- Post-doctoral research associate at the University of
Glasgow working with Prof. Pat Monaghan and the
Project – “Intergenerational transfer of
ageing; the Lansing Effect”
- Post-doctoral research associate at the University of
East Anglia working with Prof. Alexei Maklakov and the
nematode worm, C. elegans.
Project – “The cost of longevity:
trans-generational consequences of parental lifespan
extension for offspring fitness”
- PhD at the University of Edinburgh with Dr Jacob Moorad
and the burying beetle, Nicrophorus
Thesis – “Experimental and comparative
analyses of maternal age and senescence”
Research Interests
I’m interested in understanding and investigating the
huge diversity of ageing patterns that exists across the
tree of life.
My current work focuses on evolutionary theory,
maternal senescence, inter-/trans-generational effects of
parental age + diet, and thermal tolerance in
Recent Publications and Work
D. W., et al. “The promise of community-driven preprints in
ecology and evolution.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B
E.R., et al. “Genetic background and thermal regime
influence adaptation to novel environment in the seed
beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus.” Journal of Evolutionary
Biology (2024)
E.R., et al. “Implementing Code Review in the Scientific
Workflow: Insights from Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.”
Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2023)
E.R., et al. “Advice for improving the reproducibility of
data extraction in meta-analysis.” Research Synthesis
Methods (2023) which contains an introduction to
shinyDigitise Ivimey-Cook
E.R. and Pick J.P. “shinyDigitise: A GUI to the metaDigitise
data extraction package.”
P., and Ivimey-Cook, E.R. “No Time to Die: Evolution of a
Post-Reproductive Life Stage.” Thomas Henry Huxley Review.
Journal of Zoology (2023)
A.A. and Ivimey-Cook E.R. “Technology-enhanced simulation
for healthcare professionals: A meta-analysis.” Frontiers in
Medicine (2023)
E.R., et al. “Fasting increases investment in soma upon
refeeding at the cost of gamete quality in zebrafish.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2023)
S., Ivimey-Cook E.R., Grainger M.J. et al. “Method Reporting
with Initials for Transparency (MeRIT) promotes more
granularity and accountability for author contributions.”
Nature Communications (2023)
E.R., Shorr S. and Moorad J.A. “The distribution of the
Lansing Effect across animal species.” Evolution
H., Ivimey-Cook E.R. and Moorad J.A. “Triparental ageing in
a laboratory population of an insect with maternal care.”
Behavioral Ecology (2022)
Sultanova Z.,
et al. “Fitness benefits of dietary restriction.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2021)
H., et al. “Ageing as “early‐life inertia: Disentangling
life‐history trade‐offs along a lifetime of an individual.”
Evolution Letters (2021)
E.R., et al. “Inbreeding reduces fitness of seed beetles
under thermal stress.” Journal of Evolutionary Biology
E.R., et al. “Transgenerational fitness effects of lifespan
extension by dietary restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2021)
M.I., et al. “Cost-free lifespan extension via optimization
of gene expression in adulthood aligns with the
developmental theory of ageing.” Proceedings of the Royal
Society B (2021)
E.R. and Moorad J.A. “The diversity of maternal-age effects
upon pre-adult survival across animal species.” Proceedings
of the Royal Society B (2020)
E.R. and Moorad J.A. “Disentangling pre-and postnatal
maternal age effects on offspring performance in an insect
with elaborate maternal care.” The American Naturalist